Maturity dnes pokračovali testom z cudzích jazykov.
Maturitný týždeň je na Slovensku v plnom prúde. Po včerajšom teste zo slovenského jazyka dnes prišli na rad cudzie jazyky. Študenti sa museli nielenže popasovať so samotným testom, ale už tradične aj slohom.
Včera sme ti poobede priniesli kvíz, v ktorom si mal možnosť vyskúšať svoje vedomosti zo slovenského jazyka, aj keď si tento rok nematuroval, a dnes ti preto prinášame výber niekoľkých otázok z anglického testu.
Množstvo otázok by sme do nášho krátkeho kvízu napratať nevedeli, a tak si všetky testy nielen z angličtiny, ale aj z ostatných cudzích jazykov môžeš nájsť priamo na stránke organizácie NÚCEM. Teraz však nestrácaj čas a ukáž, či by si maturitnou skúškou z angličtiny na úrovni B2 vôbec prešiel. So svojím výsledkom sa nám určite pochváľ v komentároch.
Anglický jazyk - maturita 2019
The longest court battle in the history of New Zealand has come to an end. The (doplň) of this Herculean contest? A river.
For at least 150 years, the Maori people have been fighting to have a New Zealand’s third-longest river, the Whanganui, recognised (doplň) as a living being.
The river will be (doplň) represented by one member appointed by the Maori community, or Iwi, and one appointed by the government.
„I know the initial (doplň) of some people will say it’s pretty strange to give a natural resource a legal personality.“
The new law is the first of its kind in the world and should help the Maori to keep control over the river for environmental and (doplň) reasons.
The Whanganui River is the longest (doplň) river in New Zealand that attracts canoeists and day trippers.
The Mazzas sold the apartment and moved into the casale while the work was (doplň) done.
The project itself was a steep learning curve. (Doplň) were many hurdles to jump.
There were times when they thought of their old apartment and wondered (doplň) they hadn’t just retired there.
What sustained them was their vision of (doplň) the place could become.
The river – of enormous (doplň) meaning to the indigenous peoples – was, in fact, recently granted official recognition as a legal entity by New Zealand’s parliament.
The children made it easier on them. Joe told them ‘you’ll be seeing a lot (doplň) of us in Italy than if you stayed in rainy Britain!‘
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