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12. októbra 2016 o 11:33
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Účinky alkoholu aj marihuany v jednom pohári? Špeciálne víno z Kalifornie ponúka zaujímavé riešenie

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Ak si niekedy v živote túžil vyskúšať účinky marihuany a alkoholu naraz, už nemusíš hľadať. V Kalifornii sa vyrába víno s názvom Canna Vine a aj keď by si to možno vďaka menu nespoznal, ide o alkoholický nápoj vyrobený práve spojením alkoholu a marihuany. Jeho cena však nepatrí medzi tie najnižšie na trhu, keďže výrobca si účtuje od 120 do 400 dolárov za fľašku, takže pred kúpou musíš chvíľku pošetriť a až potom si ho zadovážiť.

Zaujímavosťou je aj to, že marihuanové víno sa predáva v štáte Kalifornia, kde marihuana oficiálne ešte ani nie je legálna, avšak tento fakt je ľahko vysvetliteľný. Obyvatelia Kalifornie si ho môžu kúpiť len v tom prípade, že majú povolenie kupovať lekársku marihuanu na predpis, takže len tak hocikto ho doma mať nebude a pravdou je, že v Oregone či Colorade, kde marihuana legálna je, úrady zatiaľ nepovolili výrobu alkoholických nápojov spoločne s marihuanou. Vínko si pritom na vlastnej koži vyskúšali aj niektoré americké celebrity ako napríklad Chelsea Handler a v budúcnosti predpokladáme, že ich bude len a len pribúdať.

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Regina Godorová: Ustrica je sopeľ v mušli, napriek svojej práci som ju zatiaľ do úst nedala Regina Godorová: Ustrica je sopeľ v mušli, napriek svojej práci som ju zatiaľ do úst nedala 8. júla 2024 o 15:00

CBD Infused Organic Grape Juice and Polyphenol Power. Concord grapes are natural sources of goodness that may help promote overall health by providing a mix of plant nutrients called polyphenols. Polyphenols are a sub-group of phytonutrients. They are found in foods like onions, tea, red wine, grapes, grape juice, blueberries, and certain nuts. Polyphenols naturally protect plants against pathogens, parasites, and predators and often contribute to the flavor and color of fruits and vegetables. Found in the skin and seeds, grape polyphenols (specifically flavonoids) naturally function as antioxidants and help promote overall health. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that have one or more unpaired electrons. Free radicals are a normal part of everyday life and are produced during activities like exercising or digestion. They are highly reactive, but bodies have a natural defense system—so in small numbers, they are not a big problem. However, exposure to certain lifestyle and environmental factors—like strenuous exercise, pollution, and UV rays—can result in the formation of excess free radicals. An abundance of unchecked free radicals may, over time, impact health. Many of the polyphenols in Concord grapes are the same as those found in red wine, and growing research suggests that certain polyphenols may play a role in supporting cardiovascular health. In fact, more than a decade’s worth of research suggests that drinking Concord grape juice may benefit the heart by helping to maintain healthy, clear, and flexible arteries to promote healthy blood flow. Researchers have also begun investigating the role of Concord grapes in cognitive health. The science in this area is very preliminary, with more human trials needed before any conclusions can be drawn. However, emerging science suggests that, thanks to the polyphenols, Concord grapes may offer certain mind-health benefits. Specifically, these preliminary results suggest that polyphenols help keep arteries flexible. As a result, flexible arteries can help promote healthy blood flow to the mind. #endthecbddrought #maryjanewines #riseandgrind #cbdgrapejuice #hearthealth #hempcon #fogcitycollective

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Mary Jane Wines® (@maryjanewines),
