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18. augusta 2017 o 11:53
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Adam Novosad

Edward si dokonale uťahuje z fotiek svojej fitness frajerky. Na Instagrame ľudia obdivujú jeho brušné svaly aj podprsenku

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Po čase mu došlo, že parodovanie fitness trendov by mohlo byť mimoriadne zábavné.

Žurnalista Edward Lane ani len netušil, ako výrazne sa zmení jeho život, keď začal randiť s Amy Hopkinsonovou. Edward pracuje pre magazín Men’s Health, takže ku zdravému životnému štýlu nemal tak ďaleko, lenže jeho priateľka miluje fitness a všetko s ním spojené, čo potvrdzuje aj na sociálnych sieťach. Prekvapený Ed tak rýchlo zistil, že randenie s milovníčkou fitness bude vyžadovať veľké obety v podobe nekonečného fotografovania z perfektných uhlov a prispôsobovania sa tomu, čo práve jeho priateľka potrebuje zavesiť na Instagram. Po čase si všímal rôzne fitness trendy a napadlo mu, že má príliš veľa nápadov na to, ako ich zosmiešňovať, a tak si založil vlastný Instagram. Jeho priateľka s nickom @wellness_ed dostala parťáka s nickom @wellness_ted a Edward bol veľmi spokojný, keď si na brucho mohol fixkou nakresliť vypracované svaly a obliecť sa do ružovej športovej podprsenky.      

Koučing, tabuľky, jedálniček a AI v jednom. Slováci vymysleli fitnes apku, ktorú si zamilujú aj tréneri Koučing, tabuľky, jedálniček a AI v jednom. Slováci vymysleli fitnes apku, ktorú si zamilujú aj tréneri 7. júna 2024 o 10:30

ROCKET FUEL // Next time you're running low on #mondaymotivation for your workout swap out the standard espresso for a more summer-ready pre-workout. Totally fat-free, these lollies contain 10% of your sugar RDA for fast-access energy mainlined to your muscles. Not only that - and this is no joke, I actually checked, because, you know, I'm into fitness and therefore my conversation is relentlessly scintillating - the colourings come from beetroot (filled with endurance-enhancing nitric oxide) and curcumin (a potent metabolism-boosting compound). In all, this is the perfect pre-workout to launch your session to the next level, no face tingles necessary. And for the post-workout refuel? I suggest a mini milk chaser. Since you asked, mine's a strawberry flavour, please. It matches my #activewear

Příspěvek sdílený Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted),

Bez dopingu sa to profesionálne robiť nedá. Laura je najmladšou majsterkou wellness kulturistiky, ročne na šport minie tisíce eur Bez dopingu sa to profesionálne robiť nedá. Laura je najmladšou majsterkou wellness kulturistiky, ročne na šport minie tisíce eur 16. februára 2024 o 9:30

OM A MISSION // Since joining the upper echelons of Instagram's wellness influencer community I'd been finding it progressively harder to practice what I preach. A full diary of protein launches, avocado brunches, selfies, workout classes, selfies, gym openings, yoga retreats and selfies had a dramatic effect on my anxiety levels. And despite my online persona, I was struggling for headspace. Which is why I've started meditating. It's a brand new trend. Everyone's talking about it. Sure, some nerds will tell you it's been around for 3500 years, but what do they know? Right now it's one of the hottest wellness trends and I really doubt the yogis of ancient India had iPhone apps (duh) so they clearly weren't doing it right, anyway! Since checking in with myself for 5 minutes a day my cortisol levels have plummeted and I'm feeling more zen than ever. My advice? Focus on you. Make time for self-love (Gross. Not like that. Perv) because at the end of the day wellness and the route to happiness is about putting yourself ahead of all others. Worried this will come across as selfish? Put a good filter on your pic and people will call it inspiring

Příspěvek sdílený Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted),

Ako schudnúť po sviatkoch: Tieto 3 diéty sú trendy v roku 2024 Ako schudnúť po sviatkoch: Tieto 3 diéty sú trendy v roku 2024 25. januára 2024 o 13:00

FULL DISCLOSURE // OK, so my stag do wasn't as wellness as I thought. But if there's one thing I've learned from the amazing people on here it's that I'm not going to beat myself up about it. 50 pints in a weekend with your mates is nothing to be ashamed of. It was . Did you know in just a few days your liver can reboot itself? Our bodies are amazing. And while most of the time it's our job to look after them. Right now I'm asking it to look after me! So hear I am. Owning it. I may have lost a couple of abs, but downing this nutritious red juice is helping me through my hangover and helping me get back on track for the week ahead. Wish me luck! Oh, and I've been away from the 'gram for too long!! Im sorry. I'm sure you've all missed me

Příspěvek sdílený Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted),

ABS ARE MADE AT THE WEEKEND // This past few days I've been enjoying what I like to call the FUN diet. Seaside trips with my muse @wellness_ed, a blood alcohol level of 69%, finishing off with a gluten-free steak dinner yesterday. All of this has combined to turn my abs from a standard six to an unbelievable eight. Sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong! A study by the University of Nowhere in Nowhereshire found that being happy reduces your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and cortisol is responsible for fat depositing around your middle and covering your six-pack. So use this news and my rockin' bod above as motivation to have more fun this week and look better by then end of it. Omg that message is so wellness - I've even I impressed myself! Have a great Bank Holiday everyone!

Příspěvek sdílený Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted),

Populárne fitnescentrum otvára novú pobočku v Lamači: ponúka jedinečné stroje na cvičenie, ktoré nikde inde nenájdete Populárne fitnescentrum otvára novú pobočku v Lamači: ponúka jedinečné stroje na cvičenie, ktoré nikde inde nenájdete 8. decembra 2023 o 11:00

6PACK SECRETS // While so-called experts would have you believe this kind of transformation takes months I've got some good news - it takes 30secs. Sure transformation plans promise better health, but when you're thirsty for likes, followers and - let's be honest - your first #spon post, the sooner those abs pop on screen the better. Well, allow me to share the insider secrets I've learnt since becoming the 'grams hot new #microinfluencer (don't say I'm not good to you ). The trick is to spend hours and hours taking selfies, working out the exact angle and filter (Clarendon, duh!) that best defines your 6-pack. Swap from a T-shirt to sports bra to fool others into thinking you've been in the gym. Finally tense so hard that you may or may not fart and take the snap. Post it and watch the praise come in. Because what's the point getting your body out of strangers on the internet can't tell you how pretty you look, right? And today I'm feeling pretty! Try it and tag me in so we can all support each other on our own journey.

Příspěvek sdílený Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted),

Týchto 5 fitnes trendov z Tiktoku a Instagramu možno praktizuješ aj ty. S trénerom ti vysvetlíme, akým rizikám sa vystavuješ Týchto 5 fitnes trendov z Tiktoku a Instagramu možno praktizuješ aj ty. S trénerom ti vysvetlíme, akým rizikám sa vystavuješ 15. novembra 2023 o 13:00
