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11. mája 2018 o 15:37
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Sona O.

Ani vzácna deformácia tváre ju nezastavila v ceste za modelingovou kariérou. Ilka napriek rázštepu tváre rúca stereotypy o kráse

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Ilka Brühl má 26 a pochádza z Nemecka. Narodila sa s veľmi ojedinelou deformáciou tváre.

Už ako dieťa si Ilka uvedomovala, že je iná ako ostatní. Narodila sa s rázštepom tváre a jej nosná kosť sa poriadne nevyformovala. Aby toho nebolo málo, na pravom oku jej chýba slzný kanálik, čo spôsobuje neustále slzenie.

Streamer IShowSpeed nadáva ženám, fanúšikovia mu trhali vlasy a hádzali naňho moč. V Prahe zablokoval dopravu, príde aj k nám? Streamer IShowSpeed nadáva ženám, fanúšikovia mu trhali vlasy a hádzali naňho moč. V Prahe zablokoval dopravu, príde aj k nám? 23. júla 2024 o 14:30

Aj napriek tomu však neprepadla depresiám a rozhodla sa šíriť osvetu ohľadom pozitívneho sebaobrazu. Tvrdí, že každý z nás je svojím spôsobom krásny. Kvôli zdravotným komplikáciám, ktoré boli spôsobené tvárovými defektami, musela podstúpiť niekoľko operácií, teraz sa však už dostala z najhoršieho a svetu ukazuje svoju pravú tvár.

"Pre svojich priateľov, čo sa venujú fotografii som začala pózovať asi pred 2 rokmi. Odozvy boli také pozitívne, že so musela pokračovať ďalej," hovorí. 

Just some thoughts because I post so many photos of me lately: I was always a very shy person with no self-confidence. Don't worry I don't wallow in self-pity because it is my own decision how I interact with others (I know by now ). But it wasn't easy to get this in my head. Photography helped me a lot, it was like a therapy. Both ways, to stand in front of a camera and to take photos. It shows me that every defect and mistake is a part of you and that's okay. Make the best of it ✅ So sorry for all the photos, but I need this because this is a long process. I'm on my way but there are still some obstacles to overcome. If you are not interested in this story I totally understand this, but then it is the best to leave my page for a while. And I want to thank you for all your lovely comments. I'm so sorry that I don't answer you at the moment. But every single comment means a lot to me and helps me on my journey. You are great Sorry for this long post, but I had to say this Photo: @sinanikita Model: Me

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ilka Brühl (@ilkabruehl),

Fenomén Skibidi Toilet: Záchody s ľudskými hlavami vo vojne proti kamerám. Bizarný príbeh sledujú stovky miliónov ľudí Fenomén Skibidi Toilet: Záchody s ľudskými hlavami vo vojne proti kamerám. Bizarný príbeh sledujú stovky miliónov ľudí 22. júna 2024 o 12:30

A while ago I made a wonderful series called Alaska with wonderful @d.birdie and the so damn talented photographer @martinneuhof. For more photos and information look at Martins account or wait until I post them :D. I was a bit nervous at first because I didn't act like this with a strange person before But it was so much fun because she was really nice. A wonderful day And what a wonderful day today. About two weeks ago something very bad happened and I couldn't post something until I knew how it is going on. And today I got a wonderful message. So I am calling everything wonderful at the moment because I am sooo happy. Sending lots of love to all of you ❤ Photo: @martinneuhof Models: @d.birdie and me #rsa_portrait #earth_portraits #portraitmood #sensual #photoshooting #photooftheday #vscocam

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ilka Brühl (@ilkabruehl),

Toto je najnudnejší muž na internete. Connor alias Hubslife má obyčajný život, ktorý denne sledujú milióny fanúšikov Toto je najnudnejší muž na internete. Connor alias Hubslife má obyčajný život, ktorý denne sledujú milióny fanúšikov 19. júna 2024 o 9:30

Po modelingovom úspechu sa dokonca sama začala aktívne venovať fotografovaniu a svoje výtvory zdieľa na sociálnych sieťach. "Existuje iba jediný druh škaredosti, škaredý charakter. Nikto by sa kvôli svojmu vzhľadu nemal skrývať," tvrdí. Jej najobľúbenejšou modelkou je jej krásna sestra Kira.


Z malého dievčatka, ktoré muselo podstúpiť ťažkú liečbu a množstvo chirurgických zákrokov sa stala sebavedomá, dospelá žena, čo sa nebojí zdieľať svoj príbeh a ostatných motivuje jedinečným pozitívnym prístupom

Daniel má 26 rokov a pracuje ako traktorista. Na poli som stretol medveďa, v hlavnej sezóne sa dá zarobiť až 3 500 eur (ROZHOVOR) Daniel má 26 rokov a pracuje ako traktorista. Na poli som stretol medveďa, v hlavnej sezóne sa dá zarobiť až 3 500 eur (ROZHOVOR) 10. apríla 2024 o 9:30

I think EVERYBODY is beautiful in her or his own way. Never mind if you are a classic beauty, tall, small, stout, thin, black, white,... Except mean people, but that's another story. I read many mean comments in the last days about people like me. Don't worry they don't hurt me , I swear. But I know that other persons, who can't only laugh about such nonsense get them too. And that's the point where I get really really angry. So I will never stop to remind the world that EVERYONE is beautiful! Therefore I decided to show a baby photo of me. Because you see my "defect" there better. Furthermore I get many direct messages with the question why I look like I do. At first I hesitated to show this because some of you think that's too much. But that is wrong, it should be as normal as every other baby picture. So you see I have to remind myself too at times. And I won't stop until more people think like me. I had a facial cleft. In my own simple words it means that when my mum was pregnant, she got ill and that influenced the devoloping of my face. 1 of 1000 people have this. It's quite common. The small tubes in my nose were there because my airways were overgrown. So the first few month I lived in the hospital until it was sure that I breathe on my own. After ten operations I was looking like today. But that's nothing I'm proud of because I only remember the last three. I am proud of my parents who helped me through this. #everyoneisbeautiful

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ilka Brühl (@ilkabruehl),

I'm not that kind of person who is so excited about New Year's Eve. I think we should be thankful for our life every day and you can make resolutions whenever you want. But on the other hand I think it is a good reminder. 2016 was very positive because I finally have cats again. But it was a very crazy year and and not everything was good. So I'm really looking forward to 2017. Now it's time to thank you for your wonderful support. This year I shared some facts with you and you really helped me with your support. I'm always speechless when a stranger makes some time for me to comment something lovely. Talking of this I note every nice comment in a little notebook to look back at some days when I'm down. I wish you only the best for 2017! #bestnine2016

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Ilka Brühl (@ilkabruehl),
