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29. augusta 2017 o 10:43
Čas čítania 0:00
Adam Novosad

Nahej blogerke zrušili profil na Instagrame, ale jej fanúšikovia sa vzbúrili. Ona chce pokračovať v boji za prirodzenosť

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Jej fotografie majú vlastný štýl a propagujú pozitívny pohľad na ľudské telo.

Na konci júla jej Instagram zrušil účet a ona sa ďalších niekoľko týždňov snažila napraviť krivdu, ktorá jej bola spôsobená. Blogerka Jessa O’Brien na svojom Instagrame pridávala nahé fotografie, lenže bez akéhokoľvek sexuálneho podtónu a väčšinou z dostatočnej vzdialenosti, a tak sa dlho pohybovala na hranici pravidiel sociálnej siete. Pravidlá hovoria o tom, že na Instagrame nemajú čo robiť fotografie zachytávajúce sexuálny styk, genitálie či nahé zadky, ale Jessa a jej boj za pozitívne vnímanie ľudského tela a zrušenie nezmyselnej tabuizácie nahoty majú na pravidlá rozdielny názor.

Po deaktivácii účtu na konci júla sa vzbúrili aj je fanúšikovia, ktorí ju dovtedy sledovali, a Instagram nemal inú možnosť, ako po veľkom tlaku verejnosti navrátiť jej profil späť na sociálnu sieť. Jessa argumentuje tým, že nahota bez sexuálneho podtónu by nemala byť v žiadnom prípade zakazovaná a Instagram by sa mal skôr starať o to, aby boli podobné fotografie ako tie jej podporované. Treba uznať, že jej zábery majú svoj osobitý štýl, ale nespôsobujú v ľuďoch znechutenie, a tak niet dôvodu, prečo ich rovno zakazovať.

Adriana búra tabu o cestovaní s malými deťmi: „Spoznávanie krajín im otvára obzory. Pojmy plánovanie a deti však nejdú dokopy“ Adriana búra tabu o cestovaní s malými deťmi: „Spoznávanie krajín im otvára obzory. Pojmy plánovanie a deti však nejdú dokopy“ 29. novembra 2024 o 17:00

Thank you to everyone who has played their part in helping me to get this account reactivated From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul ❤ I'm still rather shocked, but if anything... I am more overcome with gratitude and love Whilst some of the topics I discuss can be quite confronting, candid and 'taboo', I aim to spread awareness and shed light where there is dark ✨ I believe we are all on the path of evolution, and sometimes we just need to open our minds to the unknown and unfamiliar in order to grow. To expand our awareness. I believe we must learn to cultivate tolerance. We must learn to thrive in a diverse society. We must learn to set ourselves free of the restrictions of our own perceptions, and I hope my blog can help contribute to that. May love prevail over fear, and may we see truth as we experience it ✨ . Thank you, thank you, thank you again... and thank you @instagram for allowing me the chance to continue spreading my positive message . . Please remember to follow my secondary/backup account @thenudeblogger_ too Have an amazing Friday beautiful people Much love to you all ❤ . . taken by my beautiful friend @dasilva___ . . #gratitude #love #peace #blessed #thankful #happy #joy #blackandwhite #photography #art #yoga

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),

Katka pracuje ako drevorubačka: Rodičia ma videli na výške, ja som chcela jazdiť na traktore. V lese si zarobím dobre (Rozhovor) Katka pracuje ako drevorubačka: Rodičia ma videli na výške, ja som chcela jazdiť na traktore. V lese si zarobím dobre (Rozhovor) 16. novembra 2024 o 9:30

▪BOBRENE: WHY MY BEST FRIEND AND I PRETENDED TO BE LESBIANS TO GET INTO THIS AMAZING NUDIST RETREAT▪ New blog post up now #linkinbio So I have visited a few nudist resorts/retreats in my time, and this one is right up there It was a little tricky getting myself in there initially, but I found a way eventually... and this blog post tells exactly that story ✨ Click the link in my bio to read the full story ☝and enjoy And yes, this photo is of me enjoying the outdoor shower at boBRENE Xx . . #bobrene #nude #nudist #retreat #resort #naturist #fkk #clothesfree #lifestyle #naturism #nudity #naked #outdoor #shower #body #positivity #new #blog #post #live #goldcoast #tamborine #mountain #nature #wanderlust #taboo #lesbian #pool #spa

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),

First blog post up now!! #linkinbio 'What does being nude mean to me?' Ok, so this is a question I get asked constantly, and whilst there is so much depth and so many layers to nudity for me, this post touches on some of the key points ✨ I could write about this topic for eons, and I will continue to elaborate on my perspective and the various themes that nudity affects and is affected by (media, sex, body image, self-esteem, self-love etc etc etc). I am so damn passionate about this topic! Click the link in my bio to read the full post I hope you enjoy the read Xx . . #blog #post #nudity #nude #nudism #nudist #nature #beach #ocean #sky #natural #naturist #naturism #body #positivity #image #naked #lifestyle #taboo #writer #blogger #summer #wanderlust #yoga #yogi #vegan #divine #nofilter

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),

Dievčatá z profilu FunFrky sú hitom internetu: Nemáme problém zhovadiť sa pred kamerou, nasilu humor je však ten najhorší humor Dievčatá z profilu FunFrky sú hitom internetu: Nemáme problém zhovadiť sa pred kamerou, nasilu humor je však ten najhorší humor 14. novembra 2024 o 9:30

Some of you have asked what a 'naturist' is... Whilst I'm not one to get too caught up in labels (excuse the pun), there seems to be a debate about what the definitive definition of 'naturism' is. According to the 'International Naturist Federation', " Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment". I don't agree that one definition suits all, but it is a concept to grasp. A concept that may allow a deeper understanding of certain lifestyle choices. For me, being naked goes deep, really deep. There is so much more to us than just this body. To know me, you must be able to see beyond my physicality. My body is just a blip in space and time through which consciousness is experiencing itself. So you could never truly judge me according to my body. My soul can tell you things my body never could. For those moments I am naked, I am free from the disguises of my clothing, from the masquerade of branding, free from the impermanence of materialism and at one with the infinite divinity of being. I am here to pledge my commitment to promoting body positivity. Freedom. Equality. My nudity is not here to promote sexualisation of the human body, nor is it here to entertain your judgement. However you choose to perceive my nudity is a reflection of your own conditioning. But remember, perspective is not fixed. It is not permanent. Perspective is a matter of perspective is a matter of perspective is a matter of perspective. . . #naturism #naturist #meaning #nudity #nude #naked #lifestyle #bodypositivity #body #freedom #acceptance #nonsexual #natural #perspective #humpday #wanderlust

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),

Český boomer Vlastimil svojimi videami valcuje Instagram: Gulášek ostal od včerajška, len som k tomu urobil ryžu (Rozhovor) Český boomer Vlastimil svojimi videami valcuje Instagram: Gulášek ostal od včerajška, len som k tomu urobil ryžu (Rozhovor) 20. októbra 2024 o 12:30

We always hear it… 'follow your heart'… ❤ But what does this actually mean? I watched a touching documentary the other night called 'The Power of the Heart' and it held such a beautiful and powerful resonance. As I have come to understand, sometimes following your heart will challenge you in the deepest of ways. Challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Challenge you to stop making excuses. Challenge you to stop believing in an illusion you thought was reality. Challenge you to give up that job that dims your creativity and passion. Challenge you to stop settling for a security that is mediocrity. Challenge you to step your shit up!… And once you do, you'll understand why all of this had to happen. Why we are all blessed with a sense of intuition. When we come from the heart, we embrace acceptance. We stop resisting. When we do so, we begin to discover a sense of synchronicity and alignment. Things start to seemingly and magically fall into place. When we allow for the natural order of the universe to unfold, we rediscover bliss . . Thank you to @zsnvp for this amazing and magical edit of my photo Please check out his work... such a talent . . #heart #love #alignment #synchronicity #acceptance #universe #magic #bliss #gratitude #moon #stars

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),

Autumn She sheds her leaves with an effortless ease, Longing to be seen…She lets go. Release. As she delves into her depths, her layers fall away from her by the wayside. She realises that it's not her layers that make her complete. Wholeness. Revealing her roots, There is an alluring beauty to her rawness, Vulnerability. A naked beauty, a palette of earthiness, Without all the decorations, without the layers, without her flowers… Authenticity. She is divine because, whilst she is whole, she is making way for new growth, creating space to blossom into a more radiant version of herself. Expansion. A time of introspection and inner-growth, self-love… It is this very place from which so much beauty is born. And she will Spring again, radiating her magnificence, Bathing in her light, to shine even more in her Divinity. Autumn . . #autumn #embrace #welcome #season #change #release #newbeginnings #shed #layers #wholeness #vulnerability #authenticity #expansion #radiance #divinity

Příspěvek sdílený The Nude Blogger (@thenudeblogger),
