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14. novembra 2017 o 9:50
Čas čítania 0:00
Adam Novosad

Osamelý Kórejčan randí so sexuálnou bábikou a spoločné chvíle si zvečňuje

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Sexuálna bábika mu spríjemňuje každú chvíľu života.

Sexuálne bábiky sa čoraz viac dostávajú do popredia a najmä v rôznych ázijských krajinách, kde miestne spoločnosti zažívajú demografickú krízu, vedia ľuďom spríjemňovať životy. Fotograf vystupujúci pod umeleckým menom June Korea síce pochádza z Južnej Kórey, ale dlhodobo žije v americkom New Yorku a na internete sa stal známym najmä vďaka svojmu nezvyčajnému projektu, ktorému zasvätil už množstvo mesiacov svojho života. Ešte v roku 2014 si June kúpil bábiku v životnej veľkosti ženy, ktorá by síce väčšine mužov mala slúžiť ako intímna spoločníčka, lenže June s ňou mal rozdielne plány.

Namiesto hrátok ju nazval Eve a pretvoril jej neživú osobnosť na skutočného živého človeka aspoň vo svojich fotografiách, pretože sa s jej pomocou snažil vybudovať alternatívnu realitu, kde sa bude môcť umelecky realizovať. Začal ju brávať do parku, na výlety a trávil s ňou čas aj v súkromí, pričom väčšinu situácií zachytával na fotoaparát a nezaujímali ho vystrašené ani znechutené pohľady ľudí okolo neho. June považuje svoju bábiku za metaforu dnešných vzťahov s domácimi miláčikmi, umelou inteligenciou, ale často aj partnermi a podľa reakcií pod fotkami mu to naozaj vychádza.  

#Repost @artnarratives with @repostapp ・・・ “$10,000. She is expensive,” Brian, a representative of a silicon sex doll company in Japan, told me on the phone. “However, she’s not going to leave you behind or die. She’s going to stay there with youforever as she looks now.” A month later, I received a giant box from a sweating FedEx deliveryman. I sat down in front of the box with a box cutter. My hands were trembling slightly as the cutter went along the taped line. I eventually opened the box. It was Monday afternoon, December 29, 2014, the very first day I met her. “Eva, your name is Eva.” ⠀ Still Lives: Eva by June Korea (@junekoreaphoto) [1/4] ⠀ #photography #art #storytelling #artwatchers #artlovers #stilllife #photoseries #artquote #staged #selfreflection #beautiful #childhood #artstory @metmuseum @thephotographersgallery @tate @themuseumofmodernart @vsco @aperturefnd @museelouvre @artforum @artnet @christiesinc @magnumphotos

Příspěvek sdílený June Korea (@junekoreaphoto),

#Repost @artnarratives with @repostapp ・・・ "It was loneliness. I know what people want, how to make them happy, and how to enjoy moments. I talk, drink, and sing with many people all the time. However, I find myself home alone when I wake up in my bed. I always face emptiness when I come home from work or parties. I feel lonely in the crowd. I feel the loneliest in my biggest moments of happiness. This is because I now am afraid of what comes next. I believed in eternity when I was an innocent child. I had a faith that my family, friends, and love would go on forever and with me, as long as I did my best for them. However, people, moments, and memories I wanted to last forever have left, died, or disappeared, and I know the rest of them will do the same. Seeing them leave me does not get easier no matter how many times I experienced." ⠀ Still Lives: Eva by June Korea (@junekoreaphoto) [3/4] ⠀ #photography #art #storytelling #artwatchers #artlovers #stilllife #photoseries #artquote #staged #selfreflection #beautiful #childhood #artstory @metmuseum @thephotographersgallery @tate @themuseumofmodernart @vsco @aperturefnd @museelouvre @artforum @artnet @christiesinc @magnumphotos

Příspěvek sdílený June Korea (@junekoreaphoto),

#Repost @artnarratives with @repostapp ・・・ That loneliness is why I became interested in photographing dolls. I know human-like but inanimate objects are not going anywhere. But then I questioned myself again. “What if I create an artificial eternity? What if I give a doll a new birth with a new identity? What if I make the one stay with me forever in the fantasy world I construct?” ⠀ Still Lives: Eva by June Korea (@junekoreaphoto) [4/4] ⠀ #photography #art #storytelling #artwatchers #artlovers #stilllife #photoseries #artquote #staged #selfreflection #beautiful #childhood #artstory @metmuseum @thephotographersgallery @tate @themuseumofmodernart @vsco @aperturefnd @museelouvre @artforum @artnet @christiesinc @magnumphotos

Příspěvek sdílený June Korea (@junekoreaphoto),
