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8. marca 2020 o 8:37
Čas čítania 0:32
Jakub Paulík

Slávna fenka Marnie zomrela. Na Instagrame ju sledovali takmer 2 milióny ľudí

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Jej stretnutia s celebritami môžu mnohí iba ticho závidieť.

Fenka Marnie patrila medzi najznámejšie zvieratá na svete. Na Instagrame ju sledovalo viac než 1,8 milióna ľudí a na Facebooku mala jej stránka cez 400-tisíc lajkov. Len nedávno však majitelia Marnie na sociálnych sieťach oznámili, že zomrela.

Sú policajné psy hľadajúce drogy závislé? Tréner spolupracujúci s armádou aj Rytmusom nám prezradil viac (Rozhovor) Sú policajné psy hľadajúce drogy závislé? Tréner spolupracujúci s armádou aj Rytmusom nám prezradil viac (Rozhovor) 2. februára 2019 o 13:43

Marnie ľudí celosvetovo zaujala svojím netradičným vzhľadom. Na každej jednej fotografii môžeš vidieť jej vyplazený jazyk. Za svoj dlhý život sa stretla s mnohými celebritami, ktoré boli poctené tým, že sa s ňou môžu vyfotografovať.

Na Instagrame si mohol vidieť napríklad fotografie Marnie s Demi Lovato či s komediantom Jackom Blackom. Podľa posledného príspevku na Instagrame mala postaršia fenka zomrieť v pokoji a bezbolestne. 

Marnie si jej majitelia adoptovali v 11. roku života, čím inšpirovali k podobnému kroku mnohých milovníkov psov. Fenka bude pochovaná na cintoríne zvierat v LA a jej majitelia dúfajú, že keď sa šíriaci koronavírus stiahne do úzadia, budú môcť usporiadať pamätné zhromaždenie.

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

It is with much grief I share the news that Marnie passed away painlessly & peacefully in my home on Thursday afternoon at the age of 18. Her comfort had been notably declining over the past few days with little hope for improvement and she let me know she had had enough. She enjoyed her chicken until the very end. Thank you for joining me on an unexpected journey with the ultimate love of my life. All I can feel right now is loss but beneath that I have so much gratitude. I’m grateful to the universe for entrusting me with her beautiful soul and providing me with the perfect best friend and companion. Im grateful I was able to give this magical creature the fun and deeply loving life she wanted and deserved. I’m thankful I was chosen to be the conduit for Marnie to bring joy into the world. And I’m thankful for all the human and dog friends Marnie and I made along the way, and the strangers on the streets and on the internet, who have shown us so much love. Most of all, I’m amazed that the sweet little hot mess of a pup that I picked up from a shelter at age 11, who at first didn’t seem like she would be around very long at all, has managed to inspire others to adopt senior dogs. When I hear from people that Marnie has made them adopt their senior dogs it’s truly the most beautiful legacy she and I could hope to leave in this world. The night of her passing I had a dream where I watched her awake from her death like it hadn’t happened at all, and she was running around at a party completely happy and invincible. She approached a descending staircase and I wanted to interject to protect her from falling, but she sailed right down the stairs and landed on her feet and stopped and looked at me and laughed and just kept going. Maybe this was a message from her from heaven, but at minimum I can take solace knowing that for a long stretch of time, prior to her aging body taking its toll, heaven for her was right here on earth. Marnie will be buried in a pet cemetery in LA and hopefully there will be a public memorial gathering whenever safe (due to Coronavirus).

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Marnie The Dog (@marniethedog),
