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2. marca 2012 o 11:18
Čas čítania 0:00
Gabor Boros

Robin Thicke feat. Lil Wayne - Pretty Lil Heart

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Robin Thicke posiela vizuál k tracku Pretty Lil\\\ Heart.

Robin Thicke posiela Holywoodom inšpirovaný vizuál na svoj track Pretty Lil' Heart, kde mu s featuringom dopomohol Lil Wayne. Jedná sa o videoklip na singel z Thickeho poslédného, celkovo už piateho albumu, ktorý nesie názov Love After War. Klip inšpirovaný klasikami ako "Deanovka" Rebel Without a Cause (Rebel bez príčiny), alebo A streetcar Named Desire. Robin Thicke ku krátkej snímke dodal:

 “I’m a big movie fan, especially of old movies. So I really wanted to embody a little bit of that old cinematic charm, the golden age of Hollywood, and try to capture a little bit of that and put it into some soul music.” 

“The inspiration behind this song was really just about when you’re in a relationship and you’re faced with all the challenges of temptation and attraction to other people, how can you trust when you’re not with that other person that they’re doing you right?” 
