Ktorá fotografia sa vydarila najviac?
Magazín ESPN už niekoľko rokov okrem kvalitných informácií zo sveta športu dopĺňa svoje články aj o exkluzívne fotografie. V rámci ich najnovšieho vydania Body Issue 2016 zachytil známych atlétov úplne nahých, no urobil to veľmi vkusne a decentne. Už niekoľko týždňov dozadu sa na Twitteri objavovali postupne jednotlivé fotografie, no až dnešným dňom sme sa dočkali celej fotosérie, ktorá bola v kompletnej podobe zverejnená aj na Twitteri a každá z nich oslavuje silu a vytrvalosť jednotlivých športovcov.
The 2016 #BodyIssue has finally arrived.
— ESPN (@espn) 6. července 2016
Check out the full gallery here: https://t.co/VfasVvUW15https://t.co/5wkWz401zh
"I expect to beat everybody." @Cubs ace Jake Arrieta in the #BodyIssue: https://t.co/J5evqsaoTr pic.twitter.com/kCbvCJJlkR
— ESPN (@espn) 6. července 2016
Get excited!
— ESPN (@espn) 6. července 2016
The 2016 #BodyIssue is live. Full gallery of all 19 athletes here: https://t.co/VfasVwcxpF pic.twitter.com/RQeZMwCLYU
Don't miss @ChristenPress on the cover of the #BodyIssue.
— ESPN (@espn) 24. června 2016
The issue drops July 6. pic.twitter.com/Yia2a89CFX
Forget the overalls. Vince Wilfork bared all for this year's #BodyIssue cover.
— ESPN (@espn) 30. června 2016
The full issue drops July 6. pic.twitter.com/UBtedTLxnx
"We are the most elite players in the world." See all of @De11eDonne's #BodyIssue pics here: https://t.co/ONkQO8OJpZ pic.twitter.com/QN7BNk4ixX
— ESPN (@espn) 6. července 2016
Chris Mosier: Repping Team USA "a big moment for trans inclusion in athletics." https://t.co/sWdyhC3qRD #BodyIssue pic.twitter.com/y2mpOXnwgO
— ESPN (@espn) 28. června 2016
"I'm at the point where I'm so happy with how I feel."
— ESPN (@espn) 26. června 2016
Courtney Conlogue in the #BodyIssue: https://t.co/TkFDzO61sS pic.twitter.com/5gGAVS7lJf
See photos of American record holder @emmajcoburn in the 2016 ESPN The Body Issue. -> https://t.co/zZB4uxYB77 pic.twitter.com/d0NgXfgl2z
— FloTrack (@FloTrack) 6. července 2016
Nathan Adrian says he didn't choose swimming, the sport chose him.
— ESPN (@espn) 27. června 2016
More in the #BodyIssue: https://t.co/shhnCATJ9t pic.twitter.com/JLoiiMGQWf
2016 @ESPN #BodyIssue covers: pic.twitter.com/GS0YeT5eG2
— Chin Wang (@ChinWangESPN) 6. července 2016