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4. januára 2017 o 10:52
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Mama s dcérou sa vydali na cestu naprieč našou planétou. Po výpovedi v práci jej bolo jasné, že chce vyskúšať niečo nové

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Po roku na cestách sa im vrátiť domov veru nechce.

Z času na čas sa na našom webe objavia príbehy ľudí, ktorí za sebou zanechali pracovné povinnosti, predali väčšinu svojho majetku a vybrali sa spoznávať svet. Väčšinou ide o zamilované páry, ktorých prestal baviť život bežných mladých ľudí, štúdium a nekonečné pracovné povinnosti, lenže existujú aj iné kategórie podobných cestovateľov a do jednej z nich definitívne patrí Evie Farrell. Bolo to ešte minulý rok, keď sa 43-ročná matka dcéry Emmie ocitla v nezávideniahodnej situácii. Zomrel jej veľmi blízky človek a Evie chvíľami strácala vieru v to, že sa jej oplatí zostať žiť v rodnej Austrálii. Napokon zobrala celú situáciu do vlastných rúk, všetko dôkladne prekonzultovala so svojou dćerou a dve parťáčky sa potom vybrali spoznávať svet.

High pollution days in Wuxi, China call for fancy face masks! We wandered the city yesterday and saw the fanciest malls we've ever seen...with the fanciest toilets! You know my travel toilet obsession . These ones had chandeliers, fresh flowers, sparkling mirrors, crystals and day beds. Plus a children's room with tiny toilets and washbasins. ✔✔ We want to wish everyone a wonderfully Merry Christmas with friends and family and Happy Holidays to everyone not celebrating Chrissy Enjoy your time together and try and take it easy - I read a saying 'don't sweat the small things and everything's a small thing'. Good to remember On Christmas Day we will be at the Levit Mall in Wuxi [doing a travel blogger appearance HAHAHAH NO that's a joke ] watching the Christmas Shows, ice-skating and I have promised to go in the biggest ball pit we've ever seen. I know I will pushed over and assaulted in the name of fun but hey, it's Christmas. So it's [social media] tools down from us til after Christmas Day. Wishing you joy and have a happy happy day Love from Evie & Emmie . . . . . . . . . #wuxi #wuxichina #china #merrychristmas #travelwithkids #highpollution #facemask #visitwuxi #visitchina #seechina #chinatrips #travellingdestinations #travelchina #chinatravel #explorerkids #travelwithkids #traveldiary #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #luxurytravel #traveldiaries #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #traveldays #holidayswithkids #traveltheworld #happyholidays #mysomewhere #opentheworld

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Odchod z Austrálie prebehol celkom rýchlo a hladko. Evie sa za posledné roky podarilo našetriť približne 20-tisíc eur, takže všetky svoje úspory zobrala so sebou a ešte vo februári minulého roku odišli. V Austrálii za sebou zanechali svoj príbytok, takže ďalší zdroj príjmov pochádzal z nájmu od nových nájomníkov, a tak mali na začiatok dostatočne veľký rozpočet na to, aby stihli všetko, čo si zaumienili. Spočiatku mali veľkú časť svojho výletu detailne naplánovanú, ale netrvalo dlho a plány sa postupne začali rozpadávať, takže sa matka s dcérou naučili rýchlo sa prispôsobovať novým situáciám. Keďže pochádzajú z Austrálie, povedali si, že svoju cestu by mohli začať vo východnej Ázii, kde to mali koniec koncov aj najbližšie. Od februára minulého roku už stihli navštíviť krajiny ako Taiwan, Malajzia, Bali, Singapur, Thajsko, Vietnam a Čína, ale Evie svojej dcére dopriala aj nádych Európy v Londýne a Paríži.

Zaujímavé pre obe cestovateľky boli aj vianočné sviatky spoločne s oslavou prichádzajúceho roku 2017, pretože svoj tradičný domov vymenili za Čínu, kde si dopriali miestne špeciality, šli sa pozrieť na vianočné predstavenie do divadla a ešte si na Štedrý večer aj dosýtosti zakorčuľovali. Po toľkých bláznivých dobrodružstvách si teda povedali, že ich rok plný cestovania by ešte nemusel skončiť a odrazu si všetko predĺžili. Pôvodný plán hovoril o tom, že Evie s Emmie sa vydajú na ročnú cestu po svete a potom sa vrátia do Sydney, kde budú pokračovať v obyčajnom živote. Ako však Evie sama hovorí, po takýchto zážitkoch si nevie predstaviť, že by sa ich životy mali vrátiť do starých koľají. Napokon sa obe dohodli, že keď vo februári oslávia rok na cestách, nevrátia sa domov, ale radšej na ďalšieho minimálne polroka zakotvia vo Vietname, kde už predtým niekoľko týždňov strávili a mimoriadne sa im tam páčilo. Evie plánuje vo Vietname trochu pracovať, aby zase zarobila dostatok peňazí navyše a keďže už poznajú prostredie, Emmie sa na chvíľu vráti do školy, ktorú navštevovala aj minulý rok. Keď sme už pri téme škola a vyučovanie, Evie svoju dcéru učí buď prostredníctvom internetových kurzov, alebo si v niektorých krajinách mohla dovoliť aj súkromných učiteľov, ktorí Emmie venovali dostatok pozornosti aj času.

We always have time for some elephant love especially when these gorgeous creatures have been rescued from tourist camps where they've been chained and forced to carry people on their backs. We met these beautiful eles in Chiang Mai and you can read all about it on the blog [link is up there ]. And remember, please don't ride elephants - giving them love is so much better I'm planning a little overland trip back into Cambodge to the elephant sanctuary in Mondulkiri in late Jan. Has anyone been? It's the Tet festival in Vietnam, school's out for a week and apparently the town closes down...so it's a good time to get back on the road. Hope you've all been having wonderful celebrations...our Christmas has been very different -watching Chinese Christmas shows and hanging out in a super-mall I haven't had a wine since Lazy Beach and will be well overdue once we get back to Vietnam in a week. Whoop! . . . . . . . . #elephantschiangmai #elephantlove #dontrideelephants #jungles #happyelephants #wildlife #instalove #chiangmaielephants #tinytraveller #littlestepsasia #huffpostau #lonelyplanet #escapesnaps #jetsettingkids #ditchingsuburbia #chiangmai #lovechiangmai #visitchiangmai #visitthailand #lovethailand #travelthailand #amazingthailand #wanderlust #thailocalexperience #seetheworld #traveltheworld #traveldiary #happydays #bestday

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Napodiv, Evie aj Emmie často nemohli uveriť tomu, aké obrovské množstvo cestujúcich rodín sa im podarilo počas ich výletu stretnúť. Kdekoľvek sa pohli, tam si v priebehu niekoľkých dní našli kamarátov v podobe rodín s deťmi, takže zabaviť sa mohla nielen malá Emmie, ale vyrozprávať sa zo svojich zážitkov vedela aj Evie. Práve hlava rodiny pripomína, že život na cestách sa od toho domáceho až tak veľmi nelíši. Podľa nej sa človek každý deň stretáva s rovnakým problémami a záležitosťami ako aj doma, len to môže vyzerať trochu komplikovanejšie, človek pri tom objavuje zákutia našej planéty a ešte aj tak ju to vyjde lacnejšie ako život v predraženom Sydney. Evie teda v žiadnom prípade netúži po tom, aby sa vrátila do práce v Austrálii, každý deň sedela za stolom a zarábala peniaze na to, aby si potom jej dcéra mohla kúpiť vytúženú hračku, keď sa môže každý deň hrať v inom kúte nekonečných svetových krajín. A my týmto dvom dobrodružným dámam aj celkom závidíme.

Ahhhh Paris! It was not in our plans for this year but our friends at @thaiairways made it happen! A few months ago we found ourselves in this magical city and I got to introduce Emmie to her favourite tower in the world - L'Eiffel We stayed in Marais and walked around 20 kilometres each day and had such fun together - from boules on the Seine, the Barbie exhibition, Musee L'Orangie, falafel in the Jewish Quarter, sailing boats in the Jardin du Luxemborg, playing in the sunshine in beautiful parks, Disneyland and so much more We met up with Emmie's beautiful au pairs from back in the day when I worked full time. At different times these lovely girls looked after Emmie and became part of our family - and we didn't have au pairs cause we're rich and fancy. At home babysitters cost $25 an hour and au pairs live in and charge from $6 an hour PLUS you get to know them and become great friends. And then, best surprise of all. One of my most favourite people in the world, Todd, saw we were in Paris and came soaring in from Washington, bringing armfuls of Moet and treating us to brunch at Laduree and dinner and drinks at other fancy places around town. Gotta love a fairy Godfather ✨ LOCATION: The top of the Printemps building on Haussmann! Very quiet and there's a small cafe and bar selling yummy champagne. You can sit at the tables and take in the view - you don't even have to buy anything!) just make your way up through the department store to the top . . . . . . . . . #loveparis #thaiairways #seeparis #weloveparis #visitparis #photoftheday #picoftheday #parisfrance #parisjetaime #pariswithkids #openmyworld #ditchingsuburbia #seeparis #happydays #greatday #bestday #weloveyouparis #beautifulparis #bringthekids #travelmums #worldschool #travelgram #travelwithkids #instatravel #travelmemory #holidays #goeverywhere #lpkids #letsgo

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

We are having a home day today in the nice warm apartment, I am trying to do a HIT workout after months of inactivity in front of one amused and critical child, a perplexed dog and disinterested cat. The rest of the day is for lazing. I love homedays! This is one of my favourite piccies of me and a Emmie from our adventures, and it was taken in China just a few months ago. Like most mums I don't have a lot of pics of us together but there are a bunch of hideous selfies that we just keep on the phone for us. Anyway this pic was taken at the incredible Jiuzhaigou National Park, about eight hours north of Chengdu by bus. The lakes here are deep and blue and crystal clear and the forest and sky is reflected in it like in a mirror. We had a great time with a bunch of people we met from the hostel and traveled on a crazy bus ride with (the guide kept screaming down a microphone and every time we stopped I would pull the cord out haha) - Malgorzata from Poland, Nata a Russian model and your typical fabulous Israeli man, Daniel - active, fun and athletic. We had a ball together and donning these Tibetan costumes for a pic was a nice rest from hiking . . . . . #gltlove #traveltime #traveltheworld #openmyworld #familyfun #escape #besttimes #funtimes #worldschooling #travelfam #travelwithkids #familytravel #famtravel #kidstravel #travelkids #holidayswithkids #takemethere #instagood #travelgram #travelbuddy #traveldiary #instapassport y#chinatravel #mytravelgram #ouradventure #worldschooling #lpkids #travelmum #roamfree #mytravelbuddy

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

When the only one looking at the camera is a naughty little alien It seems so strange that only a couple of days ago we were in Cambodia visiting ancient temples and lazing on tropical, isolated beaches and now here we are at Disneyland Shanghai. It was raining today and there was hardly anyone in the park and we basically walked straight onto every ride - amazing! While rainy Disneyland's generally lack the Disney magic vibe, the 2pm parade cranked up the spirit - the cast and characters really interact with the crowds at this parade with lots of high fives, hand shakes and smiles Another day in the park tomorrow and then we are off to visit Hangzhou on our way to Wuxi. We can't wait - we China! . . . . . . . #china #disneylandshanghai #shanghaidisneyland #shanghai #visitchina #disneyland #disney #welovedisneyland #travelwithkids #disneylandresorts #disneylove #happiestplaceonearth #disneygram #disneyphoto #disneydays #familytravel #disneypics #disneymom #disneyfan #lovedisney #disneyaddict #instadisneyland #disneyparks #waltdisney #instadisney #disneythemepark #disneylife #lovedisneyland #disneymagic

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Paying attention to little reminders that traveling kids need time to reflect and quietly play, and not to mind if they entirely ignore what is right in front of - or behind - them Beautiful Cambodia Oh we are so fortunate to have travelled here. It really is a fabulous spot for a family holiday - the Cambodian people are just lovely and it seems to attract awesome traveling families too...we met so many of them. Our faves of course are the Kinnairds from Jersey who rescued us from our money problems and even though they'd known us only a week, gave us all the money they could so we could get to China, and they taught me lots about being a kinder and more patient parent - and Em loved their three gorgeous kids. Bit of a bummer they live on the other side of the world really. Oh and my money has come into my other account and I was able to get some out whoop whoop So we are back on track even though we are a bit delirious, watching Mickey Mouse movies on the lounges at the Toy Story Hotel at Shanghai Disneyland and waiting for our room after traveling for two days and a midnight flight from Bangkok that arrived in Shanghai at 5am This arvo we are going to snoozeville But yes, Cambodia - DO IT! It's amazing and you will love it. Let me know if you go to Koh Rong, we might join you ⛱☀ . . . . . . . #cambodia #angkor #visitcambodia #explorerkids #khmer #angkor #lovecambodia #temples #travelwithkids #traveldiaries #littlestepsasia #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #luxurytravel #angkorwat #traveldiaries #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #angkortemples #templetime #traveltheworld #traveldeeper #traveljunkie #pleasedontrideelephants #travelcambodia #travelblog #cambodiawithkids #lonelyplanet #mysomewhere #opentheworld

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Good things come to those who wait ...and pray...and we waited in Phnom Penh for a week and whoop - China visa success!! Christmas in China, how exciting!! Now we can head down to the gorgeousness of the Cambodian coast and Koh Rong Samloem - the pictures of crystal clear water and beautiful golden sand are driving me crazy! I just can't wait to get there. I'm not sure if we will have wifi and even so, I've told Emmie that for the next four days the computer and phone are staying packed away - but if I have a signal, electricity and can sneak my phone out of my bag while she is sleeping I will! Love love love it when we have new adventures ahead, Koh Rong amazingness here we come! . . . . . . . #cambodia #angkor #visitcambodia #explorerkids #khmer #angkor #lovecambodia #temples #travelwithkids #traveldiaries #littlestepsasia #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #luxurytravel #angkorwat #traveldiaries #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #angkortemples #templetime #traveltheworld #traveldeeper #traveljunkie #angkorwat #travelcambodia #travelblog #cambodiawithkids #lonelyplanet #mysomewhere #opentheworld

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Everyone gather round for a selfieeeee! Whoooo selfie stick time was very popular at the end of each class on our last day at KNGO School in Battamabang. We helped with four one hour classes from 1pm - 5pm each day. These kids are so well behaved, keen to learn and really, really sweet. I got lots of hugs and high fives at the end of class and I would love to go back and do some proper teaching - getting a TEFL certificate is in my plans...and a dream of a School of Rock class with Em playing an organ like the Partridge Family (google, young 'uns) and me on a roving mic that makes my voice go up and down and all around...our students would learn so much and sing all their lessons and excel at everything, oh the fun we would have But in seriousness I will write a blog post but I didn't post too much here cause it's not like we are fabbo people riding in to teach English and make everything great and save the students - because the teachers, the school and the program is awesome, although of course underprivileged and in need of help and donations. We actually did very little - we helped with pronunciation and sang songs and assisted in class. I felt lucky that the teachers let me do so much. I'd love to go back capable of taking my own class and spend more time helping them - if you're in Cambodia definitely take at least a few days to go help, they'd love to have you [Em is off running around barefoot with kids who have finished their class] . . . . . . . . . #cambodia #battambang #visitcambodia #explorerkids #khmer #bolunteer #lovecambodia #instnature #travelwithkids #traveldiaries #littlestepsasia #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #kngo #travelstoke #traveldiaries #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #kngoschool #teachenglish #traveltheworld #traveldeeper #traveljunkie #battambangcambodia #travelcambodia #travelblog #cambodiawithkids #lonelyplanet #mysomewhere #kathmandu

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

ON THE BLOG ⭐ Thinking of a trip to Disneyland? If you're in Asia then definitely spend a couple of days (at least!) at Shanghai Disneyland. In June this year we were so lucky to visit Shanghai for its grand opening! I have to admit I was nervous - worrying about crowds and how a Chinese Disneyland would work. And you know what? It was amazing! ⭐We loved Shanghai Disneyland and we also fell in love with China on our travels after we spent a week at the new Happiest Place on Earth. Our review and tips for visiting is up on the blog LINK IN PROFILE . . . . . . #traveling #traveltime #travelblog #traveltheworld #openmyworld #familyfun #escape #besttimes #funtimes #wanderlust #travelfam #travelwithkids #familytravel #famtravel #kidstravel #travelkids #holidayswithkids #takemethere #instagood #holidays #together #travelbuddy #traveldiary #instapassport #travelgram #mytravelgram #ouradventure #roamfree #lpkids #travelmum

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

A grey sky, Em holding her new pet leaf a function on my camera that turned her orange (fancy pants camera I still only know how to use on auto ) - all the ingredients for a perfect photo! We rocked up to Puerto Princesa airport this morning ready to be on standby with @cebupacificair for potentially six hours and whoop we got into an earlier flight straight away ✈. We were whizzed through security [after a bolt to the bank to grab $$$ for an airport tax of 200 pesos pp] by a super staff member and another carried our backpacks for us and within minutes we were on the plane. Sooooo good! So now we are sitting in Starbucks at Manila international, it looks like we will get on our next standby flight to Siem Reap, I've booked two nights accom and ready to take my laptop for repairs tomorrow morning. I swapped out my Alex Cross thriller for a Cambodia Lonely Planet at the hostel (Dallas Inn at Puerto Princesa - awesome btw) and omg we are just so super excited about landing in Cambodia tonight #hosted . . . . . . . . . #cebupacificair #philippines #manilaairport #puerto #itsmorefuninthephilippines #travelph #choosephilippines #dallasinn #travelwithkids #traveldiaries #jetsetkids #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #luxurytravel #travelstoke #bestairline #flycebu #visitphilippines #safest #traveldiaries #mysomewhere #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #cebtravels #loveph #traveltheworld #traveldeeper #mysmilesnap

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),

Yay here we are having a street-side meal in Siem Reap. We took it easy today - I am usually awake before 6am and today I slept til 10! We bolted to breakfast, washed some clothes in the bathroom sink, dropped off my computer, grabbed a coffee and hung out with the cool kids at Brown's, checked out E-bikes for hire, had a $4 one-hour foot massage, ate a big dinner, I bought some long pants and we organised to go ziplining and to Angkor Wat tomorrow for sunset. Have been chatting to Apple again and maybe, maybe it will all be sorted out soon-ish. So happy to be here, it's so chilled and there's lots of fresh, healthy food and lovely smiling people. Happy weekend everyone . . . . . . . #cambodia #siemreap #visitcambodia #lovecambodia #streetfood #travelwithkids #traveldiaries #jetsetkids #tinytravels #holidaywithkids #luxurytravel #travelstoke #traveldiaries #justtravel #escapesnaps #wearetravelmums #cebtravels #loveph #traveltheworld #traveldeeper #traveljunkie #siemreapcambodia #siemreaptrip #travelblog #traveltheworld #camdbodiawithkids

Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Travel Bloggers Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel),
