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10. júla 2019 o 21:17
Čas čítania 0:00
Dominik Vetrák

Aaron Paul a Bryan Cranston špinavo oklamali fanúšikov. Ich spoločný projekt nebude filmom Breaking Bad

Aaron Paul a Bryan Cranston špinavo oklamali fanúšikov. Ich spoločný projekt nebude filmom Breaking Bad
Zdroj: AMC
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Namiesto toho spúšťajú spoločnú značku alkoholu.

Aaron Paul a Bryan Cranston spoločne už pár týždňov teasujú nejaký spoločný projekt. Deje sa tak pár mesiacov po špekuláciách o natáčaní filmu Breaking Bad, ktorý by sa mal zamerať na udalosti po skončení seriálu. Na internete sa objavilo aj pár špekulácií o účasti Cranstonovho Waltera Whitea, a tak sa posledné správy od hercov dali ľahko pochopiť ako lákadlo na veľké Breaking Bad oznámenie. 

Avšak, šlo len o tak trochu špinavú hru na fanúšikov a celý svet. Namiesto filmu/seriálu/čohokoľvek zaujímavého totiž spúšťajú vlastnú značku alkoholu. Ohlásili to v instagramovom príspevku, ktorý si môžeš pozrieť nižšie. 

Medzičasom môžeme aj naďalej čakať na tajný film Breaking Bad. Ten sa mal v Albaquerqe natáčať od minulého novembra do februára tohto roka. Natáčanie bolo však také tajné, že z neho nemáme jediný záber a netušíme, či sa vlastne skutočne udialo. Na internet akurát prenikli špekulácie, že AMC si ho odvysiela spoločne s Netflixom. 

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

Three years ago we sat in a sushi bar in New York. Talking about life and what we could possibly do down the road together. We had the time of our lives while shooting Breaking Bad and truly built a very special bond. Knowing that we couldn’t share the screen for quite a while - our thoughts turned to a new project. We sipped cocktails and thought about what it should be. The younger one looked at his drink and said, you know what we should do? We should do a really special Mezcal. The older one said, you mean the liquor with a worm at the bottom? Nah, that was just some bullshit gimmick, I mean real, artesanal Mezcal made by hand in Mexico. After that dinner we couldn’t get the idea out of our heads. So, we started traveling to Oaxaca to see if we could find it, and we mean it had to be “it,” something so damn good even people who don’t think they like Mezcal will love it. It had to be perfect or we weren’t going to do it. We searched high and low all over Oaxaca, met incredible people along the way and after a beautiful yet grueling search throughout that majestic landscape we believed we may have found our place. Our Mezcal. It was on a dirt-road, in a tiny village, hours away from the center of town, we found it and it was perfect. Holy shit it was perfect. We looked at each other and just simply nodded. This is it. We named it Dos Hombres - two guys on a quest. It’s been a long and crazy journey and we couldn’t be happier to share this with you and the rest of the world. We are crazy about the taste, the aroma, and the versatility of this smokey, age-old alcohol. Try it, and let us know what you think. We are certain you will love it. Well, that’s our story. What’s yours? Go to doshombres.com to get a bottle of your own. Follow us at @Doshombres and @Mezcal to hear more about Mezcal and Dos Hombres. — AP & BC

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Bryan Cranston (@bryancranston),
